My Journey with Learn IT Girl

On March 8 th 2019, I received a mail regarding my selection as the Learn IT Girl Scholar. I got to know about this program from my peers and so applied for it. It was good to know I had been selected and that I would be working on a big project while also learning new stuff. My mentor for this program was Anishka, who was also a student like me from a well-known NIT. She had been an amazing person to interact with and always guided me with the most appropriate solutions to my problems. When I started working with her on the project idea I was in doubt as to how much I would be able to achieve, but then she guided me step by step in this process. She would assign me weekly tasks and I was so keen to work on this project that most of the tasks were completed much before the deadline. All this sparked encouragement inside me. I spent the first two weeks learning about Open source tools like Git and Github and practising video tutorials from Youtube. I also then worked upon a mini...