WWCD Mentorship Programs: Week 4

With week 2 and week 3 focused upon exploring various scholarships and internship opportunities and applying for them, week 4 was aimed at exploring the open source. This week I worked upon learning about what exactly is the concept of open source and FOSS. I gathered information regarding various events and programs initiated by various companies and organisations to encourage people contribute in the open source. I came to know about events like Hacktoberfest for beginners in open source from my mentor. Apart from that she helped me in exploring features like pull requests, branching and forking. It was nice to have my doubts resolved about various things. Here’s a listing of things I learned this week-

         What is open source? Open source is basically refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible. It revolves around the concept of freely sharing technical information so that it may be improved by people. The open source community provides a great opportunity for programmers to improve their skills and get inspiration and support from various learned people. They can find mentors or else mentor someone.

       Why contribute to open source?
i)            Whether it’s coding, user interface design or graphic design contribution to open source will definitely help you improve upon your existing skills and gain insights into new ones.
ii)         Working with others on a shared project means you’ll have to explain how you do things, as well as ask other people for help. You learn to communicate in a professional manner and become a part of a community.
iii)        Making software open source helps make the world a better place by allowing free sharing of the learning resources and also improve existing technology by the power of people.
iv)        It also offers opportunities to practice leadership and management skills, such as resolving conflicts, organizing teams of people, and prioritizing work while working for an organisation in open source.
        How to contribute?
i)           Choose a platform for contributing. There are various ways you may contribute. One such popular platform is Github(https://github.com ). Learn about various features available on these platforms and how to use them.
ii)          Learn the basics of contribution. Know about what it is meant to commit, open an issue, code review, pull request etc.
iii)        Join an open source project by subscribing to the mailing list for that project and joining it on various platforms like Slack, Telegram channel etc.
So this ends up my week 4 snippets and we enter into our last week of this five weeks mentorship programJ.


For more learning, you can visit- https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/


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